Terra Battle Wiki
Terra Battle Wiki
Zerro Λ
Class Z
Species Beastfolk
Gender Female
Artist Kimihiko Fujisaka

Job 1

Zerro Λ StaffIconDarkIcon
Zerro Λ

Job 1

LV 1 90
HP 646 5875
ATK 28 254
DEF 32 291
MATK 56 507
MDEF 53 482
LV 1
Skill icon 10 Shadow, Pincer + Ring, 50%
[Chain: Inflict x1 darkness damage on pincered units and a square ring around them.]
LV 30
Skill icon 57 Metabolic Magic, Equip
[Passive: Moving over capsules boosts MATK by 5% for 3 turns. Capsules of your own element are doubly potent.]
LV 50
Skill icon 10 Abyss, Pincer + Corners, 30%
[Chain: Inflict x2 darkness damage on pincered units and each 2x2 corner.]
LV 80
Skill icon 102 Magic Bomb, Chain, 30%
[Chain: Sets bombs that inflict x3 dark damage in a Diamond pattern when detonated by magic.]
Recode DNA requirements

Skill slots

Available from skill slots
Job 1
Skill icon 10 Shadow, Pincer Area (1), 50%
[Chain: Inflict x1 darkness damage.]
Skill icon 57 Anti-Lightning Capsule, Chain, 30%
[Chain: Create a capsule point that reduces lightning damage by 10% per capsule for all allies.]
Skill icon 22 HP +20%, Equip
[Passive: Boost HP by 20%.]
Skill icon 02 One-Time Revival, Equip
[Passive: Revive self with 25% HP. Once per quest.]
Job 2
Skill icon 26 Magic Defense +10%, Equip
[Passive: Boost MDEF by 10%.]
Skill icon 10 Shadow, Pincer Area (Column), 20%
[Chain: Inflict x1 darkness damage on entire columns of pincered units.]
Skill icon 10 Abyss, Pincer Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x2 darkness damage.]
Skill icon 01 Regen, Equip
[Passive: Regen with power 1.]
Job 3
Skill icon 44 Anti-Lightning Shield, Equip
[Passive: Reduce lightning damage by 40%.]
Skill icon 01 Mega Heal, Self, 30%
[Chain: Heal with power 2 (cap 700).]
Skill icon 10 Abyss, Pincer Area (Row), 20%
[Chain: Inflict x2 darkness damage on entire rows of pincered units.]
Skill icon 10 Dark Matter, Pincer Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x3 darkness damage.]


Zero is the progenitor of the most successful line of sorcerers in history.

Born into an eminent family of dark mages, she's lived up to her heritage admirably.

True to the expression "fight fire with fire," Zerro realized that even lethal miasma can be curative if properly utilized.

She devised a way to detoxify and strengthen the body through dark magic, distinguishing herself as a sorceress like no other.

This accomplishment came at a cost, however. It required numerous test subjects.

Her family believed in her talent and literally wagered their lives on it.

Zerro consequentially ended up alone in the world.


  • Zerro Λ (Japanese: ゼロ・Λ Zero Λ)