Terra Battle Wiki

Ultimate Five is a series of quests unlocked after completing Chapter 19. It can be accessed from the World Map by tapping "To another world". Hard mode quests are unlocked after completing all normal quests.

Normal Mode[]

Stamina: 15

Garuda (Solar)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Tome of Enlightenment Tome of Enlightenment, Benevolent Fang Benevolent Fang
B Forlorn Stone Forlorn Stone
D Scorch Shield v2 icon Scorch Shield v2, Coins 2000 Coins
Luck 80 Garuda icon Garuda, Shining Mirror icon Shining Mirror
Luck 100 Garuda icon Garuda, Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ

Gatekeeper (Photon)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Sentient Flame Sentient Flame, Shell of Madness Shell of Madness, Photon Ring Photon Ring
B Tail of Insight Tail of Insight, Pelt of Knowledge Pelt of Knowledge, Photon Ring Photon Ring
C Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
D Coins 2000 Coins, Pavise of Genji icon Pavise of Genji
Luck 80 Gatekeeper icon Gatekeeper, Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
Luck 100 Gatekeeper icon Gatekeeper, Pavise of Genji icon Pavise of Genji

Quyat (Graviton)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Sentient Flame Sentient Flame
B Forlorn Stone Forlorn Stone
C Coins 1250 Coins
D King's Shield v2 icon King's Shield v2
Luck 80 Coins 2000 Coins
Luck 100 Quyat icon Quyat

Apostolos (Lunar)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Serenity Shoot Serenity Shoot
B Tome of Enlightenment Tome of Enlightenment
C Tranquil Mirror icon Tranquil Mirror
Luck 80 Tranquil Mirror icon Tranquil Mirror
Luck 100 Apostolos icon Apostolos

Agartha (Physical)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Shell of Madness Shell of Madness, Wisdom Flower Wisdom Flower, Wisp of Jealousy Wisp of Jealousy, Sentient Flame Sentient Flame
B Coins 750 Coins, Tranquil Clock Tranquil Clock, Benevolent Fang Benevolent Fang, Terra Bowstring Terra Bowstring
C Coins 1250 Coins, Metal Minion icon Metal Minion, Dracuan Knife icon Dracuan Knife
D Level Candy Level Candy, Skill Candy Skill Candy
Luck 80 Coins 2000 Coins, Stalwart Sword icon Stalwart Sword, Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
Luck 100 Level Candy Level Candy, Skill Candy Skill Candy, Stalwart Sword icon Stalwart Sword, Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ

Hard Mode[]

Stamina: 20

Garuda (Solar)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
C Shining Mirror icon Shining Mirror
D Crystal Set icon Crystal Set
Luck 80 Crystal Chest icon Crystal Chest, Crystal Set icon Crystal Set, Garuda icon Garuda
Luck 100 Crystal Chest icon Crystal Chest, Crystal Set icon Crystal Set

Gatekeeper (Photon)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Cipher Cell Cipher Cell
B Cipher Cell Cipher Cell
D Coins 3000 Coins
Luck 80 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
Luck 100 Crystal Set icon Crystal Set

Quyat (Graviton)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Graviton Ring Graviton Ring, Tome of Enlightenment Tome of Enlightenment, Tranquil Clock Tranquil Clock, Mangled Horn Mangled Horn,Forlorn Stone Forlorn Stone, Pelt of Knowledge Pelt of Knowledge
B Coins 1000 Coins, Wisdom Flower Wisdom Flower, Tranquil Clock Tranquil Clock, Mangled Horn Mangled Horn, Forlorn Stone Forlorn Stone, Lustrous Tail Lustrous Tail, Tail of Insight Tail of Insight
C Coins 2000 Coins, Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
D Coins 3000 Coins
Luck 80 Crystal Chest icon Crystal Chest, Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ, Quyat icon Quyat
Luck 100 Crystal Chest icon Crystal Chest, Crystal Set icon Crystal Set

Apostolos (Lunar)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
D Coins 3000 Coins
Luck 80 Crystal Chest icon Crystal Chest
Luck 100 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ

Agartha (Physical)[]

Chest Possible Rewards
A Wisdom Flower Wisdom Flower, Shell of Madness Shell of Madness
B Terra Swordsteel Terra Swordsteel, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood
Luck 80 Skullsplitter icon Skullsplitter
Luck 100 Luck Candy Luck Candy, Skullsplitter icon Skullsplitter

