Terra Battle Wiki
Terra Battle Wiki
Class Z
Species Human
Gender Female

Job 1

Guardian Tsutsura StaffIconIceIcon

Job 1

LV 1 90
HP 512 4656
ATK 20 181
DEF 25 227
MATK 53 482
MDEF 46 418
LV 1
Skill icon 09 Ice, Pincer Area (1), 50%
[Chain: Inflict x1 ice damage.]
LV 30
Skill icon 57 Anti-Fire Capsule, 30%
[Chain: Create a Capsule Point that reduces fire damage by 10% per capsule for all allies.]
LV 50
Skill icon 01 Mega Heal, Self, 30%
[Chain: Heal with power 2 (cap 700).]
LV 90
Skill icon 68 Control Time +2 Sec, Chain, 30%
[Chain: Control time +2 sec for 2 turns.]

Job 2

Guardian Tsutsura DNA StaffIconIceIcon
Tsutsura job2

Job 2

LV 1 90
HP 571 5193
ATK 23 209
DEF 28 254
MATK 56 509
MDEF 49 445
LV 1
Skill icon 42 Anti-Fire Shield, Self
[Equip: Reduce fire damage received by 40%.]
LV 30
Skill icon 22 HP +20%, Self
[Equip: HP +20%.]
LV 50
Skill icon 09 Ice, Pincer Ring, 50%
[Chain: Inflict x1 ice damage.]
LV 90
Skill icon 09 Absolute Zero, Pincer Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x3 ice damage.]
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Job 3

Guardian Tsutsura RNA StaffIconIceIcon
Tsutsura job3

Job 3

LV 1 90
HP 633 5757
ATK 26 236
DEF 31 281
MATK 59 536
MDEF 52 472
LV 1
Skill icon 24 Magic Attack +10%, Self
[Equip: MATK +10%.]
LV 30
Skill icon 09 Glacier, Pincer Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x2 ice damage.]
LV 50
Skill icon 102 Magic Bomb, 30%
[Chain: Create a magic bomb dealing diamond ice damage of power 3.]
LV 90
Skill icon 09 Negatemp, Pincer Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x3.5 ice damage.]
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Guardian Tsutsura

A mysterious woman whose frosty expression seemingly masks any signs of life. Her posture gives off a frigid air, but if you look closely you can spot a telltale warmth emanating from her cheeks.

After leaving her birthplace, she travelled ever northward, forsaking the conveniences of civilized life for the solitude of a remote, snow-covered mountain hut.

Guardian Tsutsura DNA

A mysterious woman whose frosty expression seemingly masks any signs of life. Her posture gives off a frigid air, but if you look closely you can spot a telltale warmth emanating from her cheeks.

After leaving her birthplace, she travelled ever northward, forsaking the conveniences of civilized life for the solitude of a remote, snow-covered mountain hut.

The walls of snow that formed around her abode cut off contact with the outside world, but she wouldn't have had it any other way. The mere thought of interacting with humans terrified her, after all. Her enemies, however, resolved to find ways around the wall.

In a barren snowscape bereft of life, the only sounds she heard were her own. In such a void of stimulation, auditory hallucinations were bound to happen now and then. In her case, she heard what sounded like a pair of brief explosions in rhythmic succession, over and over again.

As time passed, she began to notice these explosions more and more. Where were they coming from? Why were they happening? With no physical evidence to convince her that they were real, she could only conclude that something on the inside was broken.

She felt a drive, an instinct, welling up from deep within. In the end, she could not deny the nature of her birth: she was born a human, and would have these feelings whether she wanted them or not. The more she denied her nature, the harder it become to ignore.

Only when she came to terms with this reality did she realize that the explosions that she heard were not explosions at all, but the sound of her heart pumping blood through her veins.

Guardian Tsutsura RNA

A mysterious woman whose frosty expression seemingly masks any signs of life. Her posture gives off a frigid air, but if you look closely you can spot a telltale warmth emanating from her cheeks.

After leaving her birthplace, she travelled ever northward, forsaking the conveniences of civilized life for the solitude of a remote, snow-covered mountain hut.

She was born into a home that had initially revered her as a miraculous child due to her uncommonly pale complexion. As she grew older, it became clear that she had the ability to see into the true nature of those she met. With those around her unnerved by this perceived invasion of privacy, she soon found few willing to call her a friend.

Rejected by family and friends, she chose to live alone rather than suffer their suspicion. This desire led her to a cave in the heart of snow-covered mountains. There she found someone who viewed her power as a gift rather than a curse: a massive serpent with a body longer than she was tall.

The kindred souls, both rejected by a world fearful of their power, formed a deep and lasting bond that weathered even the most hateful gaze. Though the serpent was revered as a messenger of the gods by some, others could not stand the sight of it. It was this despair at being ostracized that she connected with and understood so well.

From the day the two met, the otherwise unremarkable snowy mountain cave became holy ground.

