Terra Battle Wiki

Pact of Fate

Fate weaves not happenstance but inevitable design.

Characters and monsters will join your cause.
Getting the same ally again will boost their level and luck.

The Pact of Fate is where players can recruit Adventurers and Monsters by using Energy Energy or Coins Coins. It can be accessed from [Tavern] > [Recruit].

This pact features the same pools as the Pact of Truth and Pact of Fellowship. Duplicate characters from this pact gain Luck instead of Skill Boost.


Recruit with energy[]

  • Features the same pool of characters as the Pact of Truth
  • Each recruitment costs Energy 5 Energy.
    • If a player has enough energy, they can recruit multiple adventurers at once, for up to 10 recruitments at a cost of Energy 50 Energy.
    • One free recruitment may be performed every 24 hours by watching a video.
  • New characters recruited from the Pact of Fate start at level 10, with 0% skill boost and 0 Luck.

Recruit with coins[]

  • Features the same pool of characters as the Pact of Fellowship
  • A single recruitment costs Coins 3,000 Coins.
    • If a player has enough coins, they can recruit multiple characters at once, for up to 10 recruitments at a cost of Coins 30,000 Coins.
    • Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Tickets may be used in place of coins for both coin recruitment options. If the player owns any Fellowship Tickets, they must all be used before the player may recruit with coins.
  • New characters recruited from the Pact of Fate start at level 10, 0% skill boost and 0 Luck.

+ Pacts[]

  • Sometimes "+" pacts may appear while recruiting. This grants the recruited character an additional +1–5 levels and +0.5–3 Luck.


  • If you recruit a character you already possess, instead your existing character will gain:
    • six levels and 5 Luck for Z Class.
    • five levels and 5 Luck for SS and S Class.
    • one level and 5 Luck for A Class and below.

Removing from the pool[]

  • Once a character reaches their Luck cap, that character will no longer be recruitable from the Pact of Fate.
    • Lambda (Λ) and Z Class max: 100 Luck
    • SS and S Class max: 80 Luck
    • A Class and below max: 70 Luck
  • Once a player owns all characters available from the Pact of Fate at max Luck, they will be unable to perform any more recruitments from the Pact of Fate.
    • The energy and coin pools are separate, and must be cleared out separately.


Events no longer occur as of Version 5.5.0. The Pact of Fate's "Recruit with energy" option had the same events as the Pact of Truth. See Pact of Truth/Events for a list of past events.


  • The Pact of Fate was added in Version 4.2.0 and released on August 29, 2016.
  • Pacts have different appearances depending on the rarity of the character obtained.
    • Rainbow — Z Class
    • Gold — SS and S Class
    • Silver — A, B and C Class
    • Bronze — D Class
  • A recruitment is not performed until the envelope is opened with a tap. It is possible to cancel a recruitment by tapping the "Back" button before opening the envelope.
  • Characters do not gain skill boost from the Pact of Fate.
  • "+" Pacts were not available from the Pact of Fate until Version 4.3.0.
  • Version 5.2.0 removed Recode DNA characters and added visible recruitment rates.

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