Terra Battle Wiki
Terra Battle Wiki
For the SS class character with job named Lucia the Explorer, see Lucia.

Lucia the Explorer is a set of quests where players can obtain Lucia and the materials required to recode her into Lucia Λ. It is available from [Arena] > [Special Quests].

This features four quests, with quests II and III requiring a key dropped from a previous quest to enter.


Lucia the Explorer[]

Lucia the Explorer Banner

Stamina Cost: 30
Difficulty: 25
Battles: 5
SwordIcon: 0 BowIcon: 0 SpearIcon: 0 StaffIcon: 28 Skill icon 136: 0 Skill icon 137: 0
FireIcon: 14 IceIcon: 0 LightningIcon: 13 DarkIcon: 0 Skill icon 113: 0 Skill icon 114: 0

End of stage drops:

Battle 1


Battle 2


Battle 3


Battle 4


Battle 5


Lucia the Explorer Ⅱ[]

Lucia the Explorer Ⅱ Banner

Stamina Cost: 35
Difficulty: 45
Battles: 5
Items Required: Key of Hearts Key of Hearts
SwordIcon: 0 BowIcon: 0 SpearIcon: 0 StaffIcon: 29 Skill icon 136: 0 Skill icon 137: 0
FireIcon: 20 IceIcon: 0 LightningIcon: 0 DarkIcon: 0 Skill icon 113: 0 Skill icon 114: 0

End of stage drops:

Battle 1


Battle 2


Battle 3


Battle 4


Battle 5


Lucia the Explorer Ⅲ[]

Lucia the Explorer Ⅲ Banner

Stamina Cost: 40
Difficulty: 70
Battles: 5
Items Required: Key of Diamonds Key of Diamonds
SwordIcon: 20 BowIcon: 0 SpearIcon: 0 StaffIcon: 4 Skill icon 136: 0 Skill icon 137: 0
FireIcon: 0 IceIcon: 0 LightningIcon: 1 DarkIcon: 0 Skill icon 113: 0 Skill icon 114: 0

End of stage drops:

  • 3 to 5 copies of a random star (100%)

Battle 1


Battle 2


Battle 3


Battle 4


Battle 5


Lucia the Explorer Ⅳ[]

Lucia the Explorer Ⅳ Banner

Stamina Cost: 40
Difficulty: 80
Battles: 5
SwordIcon: 24 BowIcon: 0 SpearIcon: 0 StaffIcon: 0 Skill icon 136: 0 Skill icon 137: 0
FireIcon: 0 IceIcon: 0 LightningIcon: 0 DarkIcon: 0 Skill icon 113: 0 Skill icon 114: 0

End of stage drops:

  • 5 to 7 copies of a random star (100%)

Battle 1


Battle 2


Battle 3


Battle 4


Battle 5


Notes: At most two Lucky Orblings will spawn at random positions in this quest. One is guaranteed to spawn. However, if the battle is restarted from a resume file (after Terra Battle app is terminated in the middle of battle), no more Lucky Orbling will spawn. Pincering Lucky Orbling in the correct direction (horizontal or vertical with 50% chance) will give Luck boost to all team members currently alive in battle. Lucky Orbling will flee after one turn; outflanking can guarantee you get the Luck boost. A corner pincer is considered a vertical pincer.

Lucky Orbling spawn mechanics: In each of Battles 2-4, the game will try to spawn a Lucky Orbling with 30% chance twice if less than 2 have been spawned so far. Therefore, there will be a maximum of 6 trials to spawn a Lucky Orbling and it's possible that two Lucky Orblings will spawn within a battle. At the end of these trials, if a Lucky Orbling still hasn't spawned, it'll spawn one in Battle 4.


Lucia the Explorer[]

An unfamiliar forest beckons.

It exists somewhere in the world,
and it exists nowhere in the world.

A truth that must be confronted
awaits on the other side.

Will you venture through the looking glass?

You...you shouldn't exist.

Who are you?

We're connected by the same dream.

We traveled the world in search of its secrets,
hoping to unravel its true nature.

That vision passed to Father, to Mother,
and finally to me:

To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
forever chasing the horizon.

Lucia the Explorer Ⅱ[]

The world turns with the turn of a key.

On the other side of the door, subtly skewed
reflections of the world recede away into infinity.

Which is unlocked?

It depends on the key.

A roar rumbles in the lion's throat,
and a misty memory drifts before his eyes.

The girl made him a promise.
And her smile warmed him like the sun.

The kingly beast opens the way
ahead, content.

The young dreamer he once knew lives
and breathes again in this girl so like her,
bold and curious with the heart of a lion.

Their meeting is no accident.
That promise made so long ago brought her here.

Lucia the Explorer Ⅲ[]

A guardian promised immortality stands
watch over something precious.

A grave.

Within rests a roughly sketched vermilion
circle, depicting a long buried secret.

The world turns and revolves,
life burns and evolves, but all
glories must inevitably fade.

In an attempt to defy this fate,
a conjurer has staked her future
on a new body, cold and hollow
as a tomb.

A young dreamer thus honored
her mother's promise and her father's final wish.

And the final stop of her journey was unveiled
at last.

Unfathomable secrets lurk in its unfathomably
dark depths, likewise waiting to be revealed.

Her quest to blaze trails through the darkness
is far from over.

On the contrary, this is just the beginning.

Lucia the Explorer Ⅳ[]

What if... I hadn't opened the door back then?
What if... I hadn't turned the key?
What if... I never met you?

These what-ifs are always with me.

The choices I didn't make.
The person I did not become.

[Battles 1-4]

The treasure in my hand is a gift.
The scenery before me is a treasure.

One question remains that I still cannot answer.
It returns again and again to nag at me.

Who are you?

[Battle 5]

This is a hypothetical at most.

If I am not you, then what are you to me?

I awaken from the dream.

Where worlds were never meant to intersect,
two girls pressing their hands together dropped
their gaze as the final bell sounded.

The worlds were separating.

In that case...

I would be your—


Lucia the Explorer

  • Lucia icon Lucia (recruit):
    • 100% - if you don't own Lucia or Lucia Λ
    • 50% - otherwise
    • Additional recruitments grant a 3% skill boost to Lucia
  • One of the following (100%):

Lucia the Explorer Ⅱ

  • Leonidas icon Leonidas (recruit):
    • 100% - if Lucia or Lucia Λ is in squad and alive
    • 50% - otherwise
    • Additional recruitments grant a 3% skill boost to Leonidas
  • One of the following (100%):

Lucia the Explorer Ⅲ

  • Storm Witch icon Storm Witch (recruit):
    • 100% - if Lucia or Lucia Λ is in squad and alive
    • 50% - otherwise
    • Additional recruitments grant a 3% skill boost to Storm Witch
  • One of the following (100%):

Lucia the Explorer Ⅳ

  • Lucia icon Lucia (recruit):
    • 100% - if Lucia or Lucia Λ is in the team and alive at the end of battle
    • 50% - otherwise
    • Additional recruitments grant a 3% skill boost to Lucia
  • One of the following (100%):

Luck Treasure Chests[]

Note: This is an incomplete list. Please contribute by adding missing drops.
Lucia the Explorer
Chest Possible Rewards
A Solar Ring Solar Ring, Photon Ring Photon Ring, Forlorn Stone Forlorn Stone, Benevolent Fang Benevolent Fang, Key of Hearts Key of Hearts, Lightning Ring Lightning Ring
B Fire Ring Fire Ring Key of Hearts Key of Hearts, Photon Ring Photon Ring
C Key of Hearts Key of Hearts
D Lucia icon Lucia
Luck 80 Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
Luck 100 Ancient Map Ancient Map Lantern Lantern Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
Lucia the Explorer Ⅱ
Chest Possible Rewards
A Key of Diamonds Key of Diamonds, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood
B Serenity Shoot Serenity Shoot, Wisp of Jealousy Wisp of Jealousy, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood
C Coins 1500 Coins
D Coins 2000 Coins, Lucia icon Lucia
Luck 80 Compass Compass, Lantern Lantern, Leonidas icon Leonidas, Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
Luck 100 Compass Compass
Lucia the Explorer Ⅲ
Chest Possible Rewards
A Mangled Horn Mangled Horn, Lustrous Tail Lustrous Tail, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood, Compass Compass, White Ring White Ring
B Coins 1000 Coins, Tranquil Clock Tranquil Clock, White Ring White Ring, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood, Compass Compass
C Coins 2000 Coins, Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
D Lucia icon Lucia
Luck 80 Compass Compass, Storm Witch icon Storm Witch, Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
Luck 100 Ancient Map Ancient Map, Lucia Ο icon Lucia Ο, Lucia ΟⅡ icon Lucia ΟⅡ, Lucia icon Lucia, Storm Witch icon Storm Witch, Coins 2500 Coins
Lucia the Explorer Ⅳ
Chest Possible Rewards
A Coins 1500 Coins, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood, White Ring White Ring
B Coins 1500 Coins, Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood, White Ring White Ring
C Coins 2500 Coins, Metal Minion icon Metal Minion
D Coins 3000 Coins, Lucia icon Lucia
Luck 80 Ancient Map Ancient Map, Compass Compass, Lantern Lantern, Leonidas icon Leonidas, Storm Witch icon Storm Witch
Luck 100 Lucia Ο icon Lucia Ο, Lucia ΟⅡ icon Lucia ΟⅡ, Lucia icon Lucia, Leonidas icon Leonidas, Storm Witch icon Storm Witch


The event ran on the following dates:



Lucia the Explorer
Characters Lucia icon LuciaLeonidas icon LeonidasStorm Witch icon Storm Witch
Companions Lucia Ο icon Lucia ΟLucia ΟⅡ icon Lucia ΟⅡ
Items Lantern LanternCompass CompassAncient Map Ancient Map
Key of Hearts Key of HeartsKey of Diamonds Key of Diamonds
Enemies Fire OrblingLightning OrblingHealer OrblingLucky Orbling
GaonGoreBlazing Gear
SkullshockerAluminum SoldierSable Armor
Bosses LuciaLeonidasStorm WitchLucia Λ
Event Quests
Third Descent Bahamut DescendedEvolvedUltraRecoded
Leviathan DescendedEvolvedUltraRecoded
Odin DescendedEvolvedUltraRecoded
Gormandizer Hunt Gormandizer Hunt: TearsGormandizer Hunt: Particles
Dragon Kings The Primordial Dragon KingThe Resplendent Dragon KingThe Inexorable Dragon King
Royal Rings Descended
Strikes Back Kraken Kino Strikes BackSlugosaur Kino Strikes BackSpinetrich Kino Strikes BackTiamat Kino Strikes Back
8-Bit Golem Strikes Back8-Bit Hiso Alien Strikes Back8-Bit Orbling Strikes Back8-Bit Spinetrich Strikes Back
Lich Kino Strikes BackMarilith Kino Strikes BackMechanic Kino Strikes BackOdin Kino Strikes BackBahamut Kino Strikes BackLeviathan Kino Strikes Back
8-Bit Rush
Hunts The Hunt For JokerThe Hunt For Blade FalconThe Hunt For Bone KillerThe Hunt For Ethereal
Collaborations The Last StoryMobius Final FantasyYamamoto's Puzzle QuestBattle ChampsFinal Fantasy XV
Miscellaneous Hunting the Jade DragonThe Captive GolemLucia the ExplorerVengeful HeartDragon RoadArachnobot's TaleTower of TemptationThe Death of Shay and ArionneMachine Road