Terra Battle Wiki

New Player Login Bonus[]

[Newcomers Event Live!] Recruit A'misandra and receive her job change items! (April 25, 2017 - ongoing)

New players have a special login bonus alongside the normal login bonuses for their first 7 days. They also receive A'misandra at level 15 as their starting healer and additional Energy in their first 5 overall login bonuses.

Log-in # Reward
1 Coins 10,000 Coins
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket x3
Benevolent Fang Benevolent Fang x15
2 Terra Staffwood Terra Staffwood x15
Animaton Animaton x3
Coin Boost Coin Boost x3
3 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket x4
EXP Boost EXP Boost x3
4 Coins 20,000 Coins
Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket x3
Tail of Insight Tail of Insight x15
5 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket x3
Asclepius Asclepius
Dark Matter Dark Matter x3
6 Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket x2
Time Extension Time Extension x3
Disarmer Disarmer x3
7 Coins 70,000 Coins
Metal Ticket Metal Ticket x3

Support Your Adventure Event[]

[Support Your Adventure Event] Enjoy free items and Companions that will help boost your party! (Ends 12/20/2017)

This event was held from November 24, 2017 at 00:00 UTC until December 20, 2017 at 23:59 UTC. Rewards were given out in a 14-day cycle.

Days Bonus
1 Energy Energy x1
2 Animata Egg Animata Egg x200
Animata Eye Animata Eye x200
Animata Hair Animata Hair x200
Animata Breath Animata Breath x200
3 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ
4 EXP Boost EXP Boost x1
5 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket x1
Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket x1
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket x1
6 Time Extension Time Extension x1
7 Dark Star Dark Star x5
Shooting Star Shooting Star x5
8 Animata Claw Animata Claw x200
Animata Bone Animata Bone x200
Animata Tail Animata Tail x200
Animata Mustache Animata Mustache x200
9 Orichalcum Orichalcum x1
Dark Matter Dark Matter x1
Animaton Animaton x1
Oxsecium Oxsecium x1
10 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
11 Coins 5000 Coins
12 Evanescent Star Evanescent Star x5
Binary Star Binary Star x5
13 Coin Boost Coin Boost x1
14 Disarmer Disarmer x1

New Player Login Bonus (Amimari)[]

[High Fives for Newcomers Event!] Recruit Amimari and receive her job change items! (November 25, 2016 - April 24, 2017)

New players have a special login bonus alongside the normal login bonuses for their first 5 days. They also receive Amimari as their starting healer and an additional 5 Energy in their first overall login bonus.

Log-in # Reward
1 Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Claw of Fate Claw of Fate x15
Terra Swordsteel Terra Swordsteel x15
Time Extension Time Extension x5
2 Coins 55,555 Coins
Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Animaton Animaton x3
3 Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Pelt of Knowledge Pelt of Knowledge x15
EXP Boost EXP Boost x5
4 Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Asclepius Asclepius
Coin Boost Coin Boost x5
5 Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Oxsecium Oxsecium x3
Disarmer Disarmer x5

Winter Support Event[]

[Winter Support Event] Enjoy free items and Companions that will help boost your party! (Ends 12/27/2016 (PST))

This event was held from December 9, 2016 at 00:00 UTC until December 28, 2016 at 23:59 UTC. Different rewards were given out over a period of 20 days.

Date Bonus
Dec. 9 Animata Eye Animata Eye x400
Dec. 10 Bahamut's Fang Bahamut's Fang
Dec. 11 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ
Dec. 12 Energy Energy x1
Dec. 13 Animata Egg Animata Egg x400
Dec. 14 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
Dec. 15 Odin's Fang Odin's Fang
Dec. 16 Animata Hair Animata Hair x400
Dec. 17 Dark Star Dark Star x5
Binary Star Binary Star x5
Dec. 18 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Dec. 19 Animata Mustache Animata Mustache x400
Dec. 20 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ
Dec. 21 Animata Claw Animata Claw x400
Dec. 22 Leviathan's Fang Leviathan's Fang
Dec. 23 Animata Breath Animata Breath x400
Dec. 24 Energy Energy x1
Dec. 25 Animata Tail Animata Tail x400
Dec. 26 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
Dec. 27 Shooting Star Shooting Star x5
Evanescent Star Evanescent Star x5
Dec. 28 Animata Bone Animata Bone x400

New Player Login Bonus (Amina)[]

Recruit Amina and receive her job change items! (March 31, 2016 - November 24, 2016)

New players have a special login bonus alongside the normal login bonuses for their first 10 days. They also receive Amina as their starting healer.

Log-in # Reward
1 Coins 10,000 Coins
2 Serenity Shoot Serenity Shoot x15
3 White Ring White Ring x15
4 Animaton Animaton x3
5 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket x3
6 Coins 20,000 Coins
7 Wisdom Flower Wisdom Flower x15
8 Asclepius Asclepius x1
9 Orichalcum Orichalcum x3
10 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket x3

Autumn Support Event[]

[Autumn Support Event] Enjoy free items and Companions that will help boost your party!

This event was held from September 16, 2016 at 00:00 UTC until October 12, 2016 at 23:59 UTC. Rewards were given out in a 14-day cycle.

Days Bonus
1 Metal Ticket Metal Ticket
Fellowship Ticket Fellowship Ticket
Companion Ticket Companion Ticket
2 Animata Egg Animata Egg x100
Animata Claw Animata Claw x100
Animata Eye Animata Eye x100
Animata Hair Animata Hair x100
3 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ
4 Energy Energy x1
5 EXP Boost EXP Boost
6 Time Extension Time Extension
7 Dark Star Dark Star x5
Shooting Star Shooting Star x5
8 Coins 5,000 Coins
9 Orichalcum Orichalcum
Dark Matter Dark Matter
Animaton Animaton
Oxsecium Oxsecium
10 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
11 Animata Breath Animata Breath x100
Animata Bone Animata Bone x100
Animata Tail Animata Tail x100
Animata Mustache Animata Mustache x100
12 Evanescent Star Evanescent Star x5
Binary Star Binary Star x5
13 Disarmer Disarmer
14 Coin Boost Coin Boost

Summer Support Event[]

[Summer Support Event] Enjoy free items and Companions that will help boost your party during this summer event!

This event was held from June 25, 2016 at 00:00 UTC until August 18, 2016 at 23:59 UTC. Rewards were given out in a 14-day cycle.

Days Bonus
1 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
2 Fire Ring Fire Ring
Ice Ring Ice Ring
Lightning Ring Lightning Ring
Dark Ring Dark Ring
3 Serenity Shoot Serenity Shoot
Wisdom Flower Wisdom Flower
Benevolent Fang Benevolent Fang
Tail of Insight Tail of Insight
4 EXP Boost EXP Boost
5 Coins 3,000 Coins
6 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ
7 Claw of Fate Claw of Fate
Pelt of Knowledge Pelt of Knowledge
Forlorn Stone Forlorn Stone
Shell of Madness Shell of Madness
8 Photon Ring Photon Ring
Graviton Ring Graviton Ring
White Ring White Ring
Green Ring Green Ring
9 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
10 Wisp of Jealousy Wisp of Jealousy
Cipher Cell Cipher Cell
Lustrous Tail Lustrous Tail
Ignorant Flea Ignorant Flea
11 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
12 Coins 3,000 Coins
13 Mangled Horn Mangled Horn
Sentient Flame Sentient Flame
Tranquil Clock Tranquil Clock
Tome of Enlightenment Tome of Enlightenment
14 Coin Boost Coin Boost

Spring Support Event[]

[Spring Support Event] Enjoy free items and companions that will help boost your party during this spring event!

This event was held from April 11, 2016 at 00:00 UTC until June 5, 2016 at 23:59 UTC. Rewards were given out in a 14-day cycle.

Days Bonus
1 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
2 EXP Boost EXP Boost
3 Moon Tears Moon Tears
Rainbow Tears Rainbow Tears
Sea Tears Sea Tears
Spirit Tears Spirit Tears
4 Coin Boost Coin Boost
5 Lore Particle Lore Particle
Spirit Particle Spirit Particle
Warped Particle Warped Particle
Wish Particle Wish Particle
6 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
7 Metal Minion ΛΛ icon Metal Minion ΛΛ
8 Time Extension Time Extension
9 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
10 Orichalcum Orichalcum
Dark Matter Dark Matter
11 Metal Minion Λ icon Metal Minion Λ
12 Animaton Animaton
Oxsecium Oxsecium
13 Disarmer Disarmer
14 Coins 6,000 Coins