Terra Battle Wiki
Terra Battle Wiki
Class Z
Species Wild Beast
Gender Male

Job 1

Engi the Rockgunner BowIcon

Job 1

LV 1 90
HP 557 5044
ATK 47 427
DEF 43 391
MATK 25 227
MDEF 26 236
LV 1
Skill icon 30 Megabow, 50%
[Pincer: Inflict x1 bow damage.]
LV 30
Skill icon 83 Outflank, Self
[Equip: Deal 50% more damage to completely surrounded enemies (unstackable).]
LV 50
Skill icon 05 Counterattack, 30%
[Counter: Inflict x1.5 character-weapon damage.]
LV 90
Skill icon 30 Rock Cannon, Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x1.5 bow damage.]

Job 2

Engi the Ballista BowIcon
Engi job2

Job 2

LV 1 90
HP 612 5542
ATK 50 454
DEF 46 418
MATK 27 245
MDEF 29 263
LV 1
Skill icon 30 Gigabow, 40%
[Pincer: Inflict x2 bow damage.]
LV 30
Skill icon 03 Attack +10%, Self, 30%
[Chain: ATK +10% for 2 turns.]
LV 50
Skill icon 132 Kinetic Trap Ward, Self
[Equip: Invulnerable to kinetic traps.]
LV 90
Skill icon 30 Terabow, 30%
[Pincer: Inflict x3 bow damage.]
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Job 3

Engi the Cannon BowIcon
Engi job3

Job 3

LV 1 90
HP 674 6130
ATK 53 479
DEF 49 445
MATK 30 272
MDEF 32 291
LV 1
Skill icon 03 Attack +10%, Self
[Equip: ATK +10%.]
LV 30
Skill icon 05 Counterattack, 30%
[Counter: Inflict x2 character-weapon damage.]
LV 50
Skill icon 30 Rock Cannon, Ring, 30%
[Chain: Inflict x1.5 bow damage.]
LV 90
Skill icon 30 Petabow, 30%
[Pincer: Inflict x3.5 bow damage.]
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Engi the Rockgunner

A young golem who dreams of being a warrior.

Even if he isn't blessed with talent, he prides himself on making up for it with sheer determination and effort.

Engi the Ballista

A young golem who dreams of being a warrior.

Even if he isn't blessed with talent, he prides himself on making up for it with sheer determination and effort.

Although he couldn't claim to be talented in close combat, his true value lay elsewhere.

He was born with an unusually shaped right arm. Rocks fired from it melt from the friction into magma and are then easily molded with magic.

Engi the Cannon

A young golem who dreams of being a warrior.

Even if he isn't blessed with talent, he prides himself on making up for it with sheer determination and effort.

Although he couldn't claim to be talented in close combat, his true value lay elsewhere.

He was born with an unusually shaped right arm. Rocks fired from it melt from the friction into magma and are then easily molded with magic.

But that power came with a price.

The more he used it, the more his arm melted and lost its shape.

With his innate determination and effort, he refused to give up on his dream, so he rebuilt his body into an artillery battery.

