Terra Battle Wiki
Terra Battle Wiki
Class S
Species Spirit
Gender Female
Recode Echo Λ
Artist Toshiyuki Itahana

Job 1

Echo the Beguiling StaffIconRemedy icon

Job 1

LV 1 90
HP 315 2902
ATK 32 293
DEF 22 201
MATK 32 293
MDEF 28 257
LV 1
Skill icon 82 Megamoogle, Area (1), 50%
[Chain: Inflict x1.1 character-weapon damage.]
LV 15
Skill icon 32 Levitation, Equip
[Passive: Evade ground attacks and floor traps.]
LV 35
Skill icon 54 Reanimation, All, 100%
[Chain: Cure all allies of petrification.]
LV 65
Skill icon 01 Giga Regen, Area (2), 30%
[Chain: Applies Regen with power 2 (cap 600) for 3 turns.]

Job 2

Echo the Illuminating StaffIconRemedy icon
Echo job2

Job 2

LV 1 90
HP 377 3473
ATK 35 321
DEF 25 229
MATK 35 321
MDEF 31 285
LV 1
Skill icon 04 Defense +10%, Self, 30%
[Chain: Boost DEF by 10% for 2 turns.]
LV 15
Skill icon 82 Gigamoogle, Area (1), 40%
[Chain: Inflict x2.2 character-weapon damage.]
LV 35
Skill icon 54 Petrification Ward, Equip
[Passive: Immune to petrification.]
LV 65
Skill icon 01 Mega Regen, All, 30%
[Chain: Applies Regen with power 1.5 (cap 300) for 3 turns to all allies.]
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Job 3

Echo the Otherworldly StaffIconRemedy icon
Echo job3

Job 3

LV 1 90
HP 436 4016
ATK 38 348
DEF 28 256
MATK 38 348
MDEF 34 313
LV 1
Skill icon 04 Defense +10%, Equip
[Passive: Boost DEF by 10%.]
LV 15
Skill icon 22 HP +10%, Equip
[Passive: Boost HP by 10%.]
LV 35
Skill icon 32 Levitation, All, 100%
[Chain: All allies evade ground attacks and floor traps for 3 turns.]
LV 65
Skill icon 82 Teramoogle, Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x3.3 character-weapon damage.]
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The Beguiling

Echo is a spirit who entices wayfarers with honeyed words and offers insight into the true nature of the world. It's said that those who heed her guidance will one day become Warriors of Light--for the path revealed by spirits such as she is always perilous and promises certain death to the weak.

The Illuminating

Echo is a spirit who entices wayfarers with honeyed words and offers insight into the true nature of the world. It's said that those who heed her guidance will one day become Warriors of Light--for the path revealed by spirits such as she is always perilous and promises certain death to the weak.

Mog the moogle offers little in the way of battle prowess, but he supports his friends with tireless devotion.

The Otherworldly

Echo is a spirit who entices wayfarers with honeyed words and offers insight into the true nature the world. It's said that those who heed her guidance will one day become Warriors of Light--for the path revealed by spirits such as she is always perilous and promises certain death to the weak.

Mog the moogle offers little in the way of battle prowess, but he supports his friends with tireless devotion. Though he is now reborn as a spacefaring guardian, he'll never forget the beloved master he once knew.


See also[]

  • Echo on the Final Fantasy Wiki

Mobius Final Fantasy
Characters Echo icon EchoCockatrice Λ icon Cockatrice Λ
Items Crust Loop Crust LoopMantle Loop Mantle LoopCore Loop Core LoopMoggy's Sunglasses Moggy's Sunglasses
Companions Mog icon MogOchu icon OchuTonberry icon Tonberry
Allies Onion Knight WolWarrior WolKnight WolMoggy
Enemies Grudge FighterGrudge RangerGrudge ShamanMicrochuTonberry
MogBig MogTerra MogMoggy
Bosses AdamanterrapinCockatriceDahakaDyadic LichOchuOmegaTonberry King