Terra Battle Wiki
Terra Battle Wiki
Class Z
Species Human
Gender Female
Artist Yoshitomo Ikawa

Job 1

Dahlia the Impish SwordIconSkill icon 137

Job 1

LV 1 90
HP 521 4738
ATK 32 293
DEF 34 309
MATK 49 445
MDEF 40 363
LV 1
Skill icon 137 Moonlight Blade, 80%
[Pincer: Inflict x1 moon and x0.5 sword damage.]
LV 30
Skill icon 24 Magic Attack +10%, Self
[Equip: MATK +10%.]
LV 50
Skill icon 123 Impair Magic Defense, All, 3 charges
[Tap: Enemies' MDEF -10% for 1 turn.]
LV 90
Skill icon 137 Luna Blade, 60%
[Pincer: Inflict x2 moon and x0.7 sword damage.]

Job 2

Dahlia the Moonlit StaffIconSkill icon 137
Dahlia job2

Job 2

LV 1 90
HP 583 5302
ATK 35 321
DEF 37 336
MATK 52 472
MDEF 43 391
LV 1
Skill icon 26 Magic Defense +10%, Self
[Equip: MDEF +10%.]
LV 30
Skill icon 137 Moonlight, Area (1), 30%
[Chain: Inflict x1 moon damage.]
LV 50
Skill icon 137 Moonlight Counter, Cross (1), 50%
[Counter: Inflict x1.5 moon damage.]
LV 90
Skill icon 102 Magic Bomb, 30%
[Chain: Create a magic bomb dealing diamond moon damage of power 3.]
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Job 3

Vamp Dahlia SwordIconSkill icon 137
Dahlia job3

Job 3

LV 1 90
HP 644 5857
ATK 38 348
DEF 40 363
MATK 55 500
MDEF 46 418
LV 1
Skill icon 138 Anti-Solar Shield, Self
[Equip: Reduce sun damage received by 40%.]
LV 30
Skill icon 89 Status Guard, Self
[Equip: Resistance to poison, sleep, paralysis, confusion, demoralization, and petrification status effects +50%.]
LV 50
Skill icon 137 Luna Blade, 1 Row, 30%
[Chain: Inflict x2 moon and x0.7 sword damage.]
LV 90
Skill icon 137 Frigid Moon Blade, 40%
[Pincer: Inflict x3 moon and x0.9 sword damage.]
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Dahlia the Impish

Dahlia is a human girl who gives off a mysterious, out-of-this-world vibe.

She is a night owl who hates having to do anything during the day.

If you try to wake her up in the morning with an alarm clock, expect to receive a flying kick to the back of your skull.

Dahlia the Moonlit

Dahlia is a human girl who gives off a mysterious, out-of-this-world vibe.

She is a night owl who hates having to do anything during the day.

If you try to wake her up in the morning with an alarm clock, expect to receive a flying kick to the back of your skull.

She barely eats and often claims her body's forgotten what it feels like to be hungry.

Apparently, most people have never seen her eating.

Does she keep such things a mystery on purpose, or is it purely coincidental? No one knows.

But it's part of her charm, and there's no shortage of people who care about her.

That being said, rumor has it that she sometimes eats acorns and other nuts from trees.

One day, someone was looking into a suspicious death, and their investigation led them to Dahlia.

They discovered that she was connected to many missing persons cases and other unsolved deaths.

Vamp Dahlia

Dahlia is a human girl who gives off a mysterious, out-of-this-world vibe.

She is a night owl who hates having to do anything during the day.

If you try to wake her up in the morning with an alarm clock, expect to receive a flying kick to the back of your skull.

She barely eats and often claims her body's forgotten what it feels like to be hungry.

Apparently, most people have never seen her eating.

Does she keep such things a mystery on purpose, or is it purely coincidental? No one knows.

But it's part of her charm, and there's no shortage of people who care about her.

That being said, rumor has it that she sometimes eats acorns and other nuts from trees.

One day, someone was looking into a suspicious death, and their investigation led them to Dahlia.

They discovered that she was connected to many missing persons cases and other unsolved deaths.

Nocturnal... Doesn't eat... A persistent, daunting smile...

Mysterious deaths... Unexplained disappearances...

Then someone asked whether she might be a vampire.

Vampires were supposed to be fictional monsters from folklore, but they were real.

Over time, the story evolved. Now she was allegedly a goddess of death who had walked the earth for thousands of years.

The rumor makes her laugh, and she just keeps on living her life the way she wants.

Her true identity remains a secret to all.


See also[]
